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Default 25-01-2012, 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by Tw1sted View Post
Q: "does she like me?"
A: "Yes"
Ok i can see the mindset with this but i would like to make a point
Lets take a girl, you assume she likes you, so you invest time/game whatever in her
her actual belief is- you are a douche and SOO nothing like what shes goes for
So assuming you beleive she likes you, you continue to waste time with her and will never get anywhere

Surely its more efficient to be able to step back and IDENTIFY wether somone is interested in you or has potential to be interested based on signs, factors
and for you to then evaluate this and choose to invest time or move onto the next girl

all women want to fuck you is a fundemental belief that you must build. Any woman that claims not to want you is either in denial or thinks she can't have you.
Fake it til you make it, the golden philosophy
i agree with this and i dont agree with this

In my travels ive met guys/ pua dudes who are just plain weird and creepy because of what they look like, how they act and in my opinion will NEVER EVER pull some stunning chick
some have this self belief - everyone wants me - this actually fuels and retards their growth as a person
being able to step back and self evaluate in order to self improve is essential
mindlessly getting blown out and failing with girls and having a delusional belief they all WANT you is retarded
At some stage youve got to be able to go..right ok this doesnt work, oh hang on
i need to:
1)stop dressing like Jesus
2)stop targeting 6'5 blondes when you are 4'11 (or at least broaden your scope)
3)lose 4 stone and stop being a sweaty fat git - because generally hot thin girls wont go for it

you get my point

self belief not self delusion

Make it Happen
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