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Default Swimming the waters with the Lovefish - 17-10-2011, 06:17 PM

Its been a good while since i posted anything of note,as ive been really busy.Its been about 3 months since i joined the forum and as this weekend i feel ive turned a major corner i thought an update was in order
Where to start well saturday night i had the most beautiful girl ive ever had the company off cuddled up with me asleep on my couch!! The kind that if i was watching a porno, with her in id happily be wacking one off!!
If anyone had told be something like this could have happened 3 months ago i would have said you were fucking lying
Lots of little things coming together,but through perseverance and stubborness i feel like im starting to get somewhere finally
The main differences from coming on here to now.
I sat down with tons of pads of paper and wrote a bucket list,a goals list and how i plan to achieve those goals,strengths list (everyone has a strength that will help you get women find it and use it!!) and i wrote a standards list.This last one was a particular departure as i would just try to get anything,since doing the list ive knocked girls back for sex even had one in my bed, thought about it and got rid!!
Get stuff going on in your life!! Do stuff! turn the fucking tv off haha
Total honesty,i told that girl on saturday night stuff about myself i rarely tell anyone even grim shit but in a this is the way it was and this is how i am now kinda way.
No jacking off a few days before going out major help for pushing me out there.
Being a man and thinking i am a man and i should act like a man!! ie saturday I want to go for food I want to go to my friends I want to go back to mine and watch dvds!! rather than what do you want to do
Dumped the canned lines!! Tried em early on, they suck i cant remeber em, so got rid im stupider and funnier
oh and KINO wow wow wow this shit is the bomb kicking myself i didnt realize this is one of the main ingredients i was missing out of my game.
So yeh progress i bagged the girl of my dreams,the turning point?!
The lay was 110% on!! But i didnt?? I knew id already won.I didnt feel i had to validate myself by sleeping with this girl.If she went home and i never saw her again i am a winner,i can do this i can get those girls ive spent so many years dreaming off,its a reality!! its a victory finally after all that frustration haha for me this is something to hold onto to help me move forward when it gets real tough.
Those guys out there still struggling away who havent got any results yet keep at it dont give up,i know sometimes ive wanted to throw in the towel and go back to my ex i dont love,but i never do shit the easy way never have never will.So stick with it,if i can have this kind of result so can you!!!
Funnily enough tho she txt me earlier wanna meet 2mora,me to her are you paying for dinner?! she yeh ok

Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing,become nothing!!

Last edited by Lovefish; 17-10-2011 at 06:59 PM.
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Big_L (25-10-2011), daleinthedark (17-10-2011), lucidfer (17-10-2011), nova (17-10-2011), Phil (17-10-2011), Status (21-10-2011), whistleblower (18-10-2011)