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I don't know who I am anymore
Default 13-10-2011, 10:28 AM

I'm so glad you guys agree. I was starting to doubt myself, thinking perhaps I am arrogant.
The thing is, I am very confident and sure of myself- My life is going well in many ways. It's hard to be so confident with a rock-solid reality without being perceived as arrogant.

I think some other males tend to feel threatened by the Alpha, particularly those who feel alpha themselves. I've noticed them 'team up' in the past. I've had so many AMOG banter matches in the past where other chodes chip in and support the underdog, 'teaming up' in an argument. I think it's like a pack mentality. It's in their interests to test the Alpha and their best chance is to team up.

I think ultimately the MD sees my strong qualities as beneficial. It's just one or two challengers who behave emotionally. They won't even realise why they behave like they do.
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