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crow203 crow203 is offline
Default Going out on my own or not? - 04-09-2011, 09:32 AM

After a little bit of looking for a wing man here on the PUA forum it looks hopeless. So I am seriously considering doing that on my own. It feels kind of odd just to think about it ..

I usually hang out with girls but every time when we go out together they do not help but f*** up every single chance I have even though they might be in relationships with other guys or even married they always act like I was they property and snick in some stupid sentence into every single interaction I have with women.
For example " I cannot believe I am still friend with him...( when I joke about something )" or " He is a player be careful!!!!!" etc ... and when I have conversation with my friends why the hell they do that for ?...Their usual answers are : Well she is not good enough for you, she is ugly (even though she looks good) or just stupid think like hmmmm ''I was just joking ...she definitely knew that I was just....
I just want to have some fun ..right?

I do not hang out with guys cos' I have problem to find someone due to some kind of competition going on between me( where I do not really want to participate ) and them where they try to prove that they are better than me (all I am waiting is when one of them comes up with idea to measure our penises somewhere in a Pub or Club just to prove that he is cooler than me buuuuuuuut I do not give a falafel who has what etc....)and it is even worse than hanging out with girls which I enjoy lot more ...
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