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dan300 dan300 is offline
Default 16-08-2011, 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by RLAJay View Post
See if you can find some experienced chaps in your area too, don't just go out with a friend. With someone that's been into things for a while you get far better feedback on what you're doing and your confidence is higher. With people that have no experience it's far too easy to stand in the corner of a room looking around together, making excuses and doing nothing.
None of my friends know about pick up though, & i have came very close to telling one or two of them when i had a bit too much to drink, but thankfully i held it back, not because i dont trust them, but because i like the fact that its only me who knows about it around here,& i just dont want it getting avout & every dickhead jumping on this really cool wagon.

They all know im up to something, & i have told people im learning something really cool, some of them are just DYING to find out what it is.

I wont be bringing just anyone in on this, & will think very carefully about them before i do.
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