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Default 16-08-2011, 06:41 AM

Originally Posted by GenePoole View Post
Everything in the girl's head is designed to keep the man no matter whether you think they're being cute by saying they don't want anything serious, what they are really trying to do is keep you. You guys think the invention of condoms can change millions of years of evolutionary biology? Granted, it changes the social acceptance of things but deep within the subconscious, the girl doesn't really want to be a fuck buddy at all. Fuck buddy relationships don't last long, there's a reason for that.

And on the friend thing...if you are sexually attracted to each other then you are more than friends. You're friends with your male buddies aren't you? Do you fuck them too?

Agreed, I just think that the moral point of many men and many who come looking on PUA forums is fairly toward the low end and all about getting sex and using women.
Not all women are after a relationship. END

Just cos I take a girl home on a Friday night, and we have wild sex, does not mean I am using her. I love it. She loves it. END
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