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Default 29-06-2011, 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by do80 View Post
maybe if it's name would be "self-improvement technique" and not related necessarily with women, it would have been better...
Social enhancement? I've found since getting into pick-up that yes my success with women has sky-rocketed but the main reason for this is because my social awareness, attitude and confidence with people as a whole hasimproved far more

but the simple fact that you are using those techniques is not fair for the girl, because she has no idea what you are doing. Therefore PUA is pure manipulation. The best PU artists should at least acknowledge this.
Surely Guys in pick-up are manipulated more than women? the amount of guys who purchase e-books, dvds, boot-camps, etc. in the hope that they'll turn socially awkward, nervous guys into modern day latharios with just 1 read/visit/watch is crap. How many guys who've read the game and thought "I'm going to try this" actually go on to become successful at utilising it? I mean how many of the users who join this forum actually pursue it?

For me pick-up isnt about "how to pick-up" because as everybody says, canned material will only be affective some of the time (a bit like somebody choosing 7 when you ask them for a number between 1 and 10)
I like to think of it more as (how people socialize". You can see how socializing works, why it works and what feels good about it, similar as some people learn how to service a car, in some hands this information creates a death-trap when pursued, but in most cases creates a serviced car - with pick-up some people become arseholes but most of the people become well-grounded popular guys.

That said do you think it's any worse than the hoards of women who use the promise of sex to extract drinks, meals, holidays, etc out of guys?

believe that you will be better than most of the other people, when in fact the best you can do is just to improve your chances.
For me it helped me realise that we are all equal in terms of looks, personality etc, it does however allow you to be better socially. However how many guys go out there to be stronger/faster/better looking than others? This is just another way social status is measured, your girlfriend.

Thats personally how i find pick-up but for me it's all about the driver (person) but not the car (PU)

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