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Default 27-06-2011, 03:07 PM

Pride is ego based too. If you remove the ego you don't mind if they take the piss at all. You become indifferent.

There's two sides to this though, the majority of people participate in the ego based system of value and competition with others. This means that in some cases not telling people to fuck off may make you look weak and thus participating is more valuable to you in the sense of overall return. This however has a counter effect to the personal inner strength that comes with feeling true indifference. Indifference and the transcension is healthiest because it simply can't be broken. RSD's "state" and pretty much everything in blueprint decoded has been extrapolated and adapted from Eckhart Tolle's teachings.

If you want to keep "state" then none participation in any sort of social competition and complete indifference to any attack on you is the strongest and healthiest stance. When you don't participate you can't possibly be moved from state because you simply don't care. It's a kind of inner strength that comes with personal security and knowledge of one's actions and those around you. The same thing is taught in so many aspects of religion too, Buddhism being the most obvious example - the search for complete inner peace and that "zen" sense of self and understanding. Christ also said in the bible not to judge others for their actions because they "know not what they do". In understand the motivations of ego driven actions you gain a higher understanding of the motivation between all interactions.

There is however a trap that comes with all of this, it's very easy to feel superior to those without this kind of understanding. To draw inner strength from believing yourself to be of a higher understanding of motivational actions than others. It is necessary to be careful that you do not draw strength from this mindset as it is false ego removal and thus can still be attacked - especially obvious in spiritual debate when disagreement occurs and frustrations sets in when trying to take a higher position - and ego driven action.
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