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RLAJay RLAJay is offline
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Default 11-06-2011, 06:57 PM

I think sexuality can be nurtured and don't see a big issue with it. Most people want to make their partners happy and I think many things in the bedroom can be enjoyed by most people once their perceptions or pre-judgements are broken down.

Progressing slowly is necessary with those that aren't on the same level but most people are willing to explore provided they're enjoying it at the same time. All of it really ties into the trust, honesty and communication thing really. Problems many people have with certain bedroom things tend to stem from either fear, misconceptions or both. The easiest example here is anal which is neither painful nor dirty, the anal cavity is empty and only fills when someone is ready to go to the bathroom. Pain shouldn't be a factor whatsoever even for a first timer, ever so slight discomfort but taken slow it should quickly disappear. Easing in with talk, understanding and a progressive direction tends to overcome issues many have. There's a tonne of nerves in the region and play is quite pleasurable, provided someone is enjoying themselves nobody stops, provided discussion has previously occurred (not necessarily as a plan for that particular time in the bedroom though) and they know it's not going to go further, on that occasion, etc etc.

The same discussion, testing and gradual progression tends to work on almost anything. The earliest most important things are always a little bit of sub/dom play, blindfolds and tied up are an easy light introduction.

The hardest part of everything is having the discussions in the first place, it requires a great deal of trust to talk to a partner about various sexual fetishes because of the judgemental issues that arise from it. Both from partners and the possibility of that partner spreading things about with a negative tone should the relationship go south.
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