Thread: Jaw's Journey
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Hipjaw Hipjaw is offline
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Default 06-06-2011, 12:12 PM

Okay thanks for the responses. I did exactly what Rebus suggested and talked to everyone who was there.
So I got into the taxi and made it to the house party, only to find there were NO girls there. This is not how house parties are supposed to be!

2 girls turned up, but didn't leave the arms of their boyfriends for the whole duration of the time. I got chatting to them anyway, but I didn't really have the confidence (or the disrespect) to try and isolate or PU either of them.

So I just had a good time and chatted to everyone I could but found a couple of my friends weren't happy with the setting either, and so we headed into town.

Arriving at the club I greeted everyone that I came across, got in a couple conversations with groups and even got a couple drinks bought for me, and then started thinking about approaches.

With this new drive I had to approach women, I had also gained a massive amount of AA, I was telling myself '3 second rule, 3 second rule, just say anything and that will be the approach' but the second I laid eyes on a girl it was just 'oh she's busy with her friends; she's probably with that guy; she seems too moody' etc. I had never been so frustrated with myself in my life. It was like 2 people trying to rip each other apart in my head.

I spotted a girl sat down, people nearby but she was alone and texting. 'Oh she's busy on her phone'.. but wait, I'm walking towards her, this is it! I sat down on the chair next to her, she looked up.

Me: 'You look REALLY bored.' (I didn't think about anything I just sat down and opened my mouth, at this point I had forgotten all I have read on body language, openers, techniques. I was just talking.)
Her: *awkward smile* yeah I suppose so.
Me: Surely you can sit down and text at home? Why do it here.
Her: Oh I was dancing just now, and my friends are just there
Me: (I was overthinking what I should be saying, but after a small but awkward pause, I remembered a conversation opener, I had heard before.) So a couple of my friends think I should do something different with my hair, like blonde highlights, do you think that would work on me?
Her: *looking at my hair* Hmm.. Nah I think it would look stupid.
Me: (I don't know why I said this) But I've seen a lot of gay guys with blonde highlights, and gay men are stylish right?!
Her: Maybe, but I still think it would look stupid.
Me: Okay I think I'll just have to peroxide the lot then.
Her: *giggle, followed by an awkward pause*
Me: (struggling to keep the conversation flowing) So what do you do when you're not in a club being bored?
Her: Oh I work at Sports Direct
Me: Oh.. really?! Is that where you got that top (trying to subtly neg her obviously fashionable clothes)
Her: .. No?? (lost on her)
- my friend walks over and sits on a nearby chair, I look at him, smile and say 'hey' then turned my attention back to her. I felt I should have talked to him more, maybe mocking her to show I'm not putting her on a pedestal, and to show some 'social awesomeness' But he realized what was going on and walked away, probably highlighting the fact I was trying to hit on her but wasn't being up front about it.
Me: So is that just a stopgap before you do something else or is that your dream? (I continued)
Her: I want to be a hairdresser, I've applied for an apprenticeship
Me: If you want to get the job you may have to do better than that *picking up a tuft of her hair and dropping it again*
Her: *a hurt look in her eyes with a slight smile*
Me: well at least if you do get the job I have someone who will peroxide my hair
Her: I would turn you away.. It would be a crime
Me: I'll take my business elsewhere then!

Conversation hit a wall. I felt like although she showed a little interest, the conversation had gone stale but my AFC side convinced myself she wasn't interested in anything with me.

Me: Anyway, what was your name again? (she never told me in the first place)
Her: Martha
Me: Anyway Martha, *stands up and takes her hand* Although this was nice, I'm going to go make the most of my evening. If I feel like sitting in a dark corner being bored I'll come find you.
Her: *laughing* Okay

and that was it. I found my friend, who asked 'wow who was she?'
Me:Martha apparently
Him: she's sat on her own now, why aren't you talking to her
Me: The conversation got boring
Him: Shame.. Anyway we need to go, or (friend 2) is getting in a fight..

So that was the end of the night. Walking out of the club 20 minutes later after trying to defuse a situation my friend was in (funnily enough about him sleeping with this guys ex.. He's a natural alpha) I spotted Martha stood next to some guy in the smoking area, looking less interested than she was when sat with me.

My Analysis:

Massive AA - I need to sort that quickly, it's killing me.
More canned material - As much as I prefer to have a natural conversation, I'm evidently not the best at keeping it flowing (yet) and so I think I should rehearse some openers and conversation topics before next time to use as a crutch to support myself.
Try to close - I'm too scared of being blown out, that's why I didn't go for a #close.
I also need to work on my talking, as at points she didn't hear what I said and I had to repeat myself. I think I might talk a bit too fast.

Tips on how I can achieve those points and further analysis will be MUCH appreciated!
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