Thread: Jaw's Journey
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Default Jaw's Journey - 04-06-2011, 05:44 PM

As a new member of the forums and someone who has recently discovered this community I want to introduce myself further, and learn as much as I possibly can.

I am 20, I would rate myself a 6-7, but when I'm feeling confident I start to believe I'm perfect. However, I still feel anxious at approaching women, even last night I went into a bar with a friend and saw a girl sitting on her own and although I've read quite a bit of different techniques, I had forgotten all of it and was just stood there looking awkwardly at her.

I have had some suggestions on reading material and I am going to take ALL of those and work on my inner game. But I also know it's useless if you don't go out there and practice.

So this here is my introduction to what will be a journal of my PU adventure.

I'm going to a house party tonight, I'm going to walk around and short set for a while after getting myself hyped. And then I'm going to follow the 3 second rule and just jump in at the deep end. I expect to get blown out and expect it not to be pretty and probably dent my confidence. But now I've posted this here, I will feel better about getting 0 closes from 10 approaches and reporting back, to people who have been there before. And that should help me persist this steep learning curve!

I'll report back tonight / tomorrow.

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