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Default Weights or Cardio? - 22-05-2011, 08:20 PM

So I've been sorting out my diet for the last month or two.. and I do still give in to the odd cravings for pizza or whatever but generally I've been eating more regular, and trying to get more healthier options in the diet. I still have a long way to go, but I feel its now time to start hitting the gym as well.

My previous gym routines have been quite sloppy and all over the place, I would dabble in cardio then weights then mix them up but I never stuck at anything, so I figure I need a brand new fresh start.

My primary goal is to lose fat and just have a fairly slim toned body, so that when I breath out at work, well, so I will breath out rather than try and tense all the time as to hide it!

I'm not MEGA fat or anything, but it is noticable and you can get a good handful which is BAD for me.

So, aside from my diet improving, what can I do in the gym that will best burn away this fat?

I am going to be going to the gym 4 - 6 times a week, so I don't lose interest I will set myself goals and always prepare my clothes and bags the night before work so I can go straight after, and I will always go BEFORE I see friends/girlfriend/do anything else!

Do I go with weights, free or machine, or do I go with cardio, treadmill or elliptical, or mix it up, or what? I can work out my own weights to start with or distance to run or whatever, I just want, to start with, the fastest way to see results, and then I will focus on a much more long term solution.
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