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cee123 cee123 is offline
Junior Member
Default Relationship tips - 19-05-2011, 08:14 AM

So I was in the game for about two years and did really well. For the last 6 months I have been seeing this one girl. I have probably been faithful for the last 3 months. All has been good part from last night I released I was acting like a jealous bitch about some guy on her Facebook saying how he was going to take her out every night (and her agreeing) whilst she is out of the country on work (she is there now and has been going out with him).

I realised I fucked up acting like a bitch so went back to my notes about relationships. Below is what I have come up with in the past, if you can add any please do. Also, when a girl is trying to make you jealous why is she doing so?

-Girls really love busy guys
-Girls like guys whom other girls like
-Telling her how much you love her and that you want to
spend the rest of your life with her is of course ( as always ) a big nono
-The less you worry about her, the more attracted to you she will become
-Get them jealous and they will chase you until no end
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