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Default Chaser or Chasee - 03-05-2011, 09:15 AM

Ok so ive heard a couple of people on here are ruthless regarding NOT chasing girls.
Phil/Legend and Jaz -- ie send them a txt and delete their number chick goes on a night out, gets chatted up a bit and gives her number out 3 times.

2 guys txt her the next day
you txt her a few days later

Good or bad on your part??? why?
in the couple of days before you txt her she has already got a txt banter going with one of those guys. - is it too late for you?

You txt her somthing random and dont get a responce, so you delete her number.

is this girl more likely to date the chaser or the non chaser?

I come at this from the angle of chasing-- i do tend to end up chasing girls a lot (the ones i am interested in) which irritates me, also yes ok i end up bedding some of these girls but it never goes anywhere.

I guess if you are out there getting lots of numbers fairly regularily then you can afford not to chase and the ones that chase you, are definately interested.

what do you guys think?
Will a hot 'bird' with an abundance of guys chasing her actually chase another guy or will she just sit there soaking up the attention from the chasers?

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