Thread: My turn now
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Midas touch Midas touch is offline
Default My turn now - 23-04-2011, 12:00 PM

I have fancied this chick for ages. She was my student for about a year up until a year ago. Her name is Isabella. I used to call her Isabellissima (bellissima means really beautiful in Italian) which used to make her beam from ear to ear and start giggling (so much for indirect theory telling you never to compliment pretty women on their looks).

She dresses like a skater chick with Etnies trainers and used to turn up to my English lessons stoned and laughing all the way through. She was a good student too.

I had a crush on her and made no secret of it. But of course she had a bf so I never pursued it. She would always message my chatbox on fb late at night and stuff. I just used to tell her, "Let me know when you're single".

She always used to come over to talk with me whenever she saw me out and even texted me to invite me out with her and her friends a couple of times.

Anyway, I was sat on a bench outside the bar with my mates last week and she came over and plonked herself down beside me. She was drunk and the first thing she said to me was, "I split up with my bf. He says he doesn't feel attracted to me anymore."

Then she started laughing and said, "He'll never find a girl like me again." I nodded and said, "I don't believe he will. So when are we going out together?" "Whenever you want," she said. "I'll call you," I said.

Since then I sent her a message on fb to see if she wants to meet up and talk for one hour in Italian and one in English, to benefit us both. She was very enthusiastic and we set up a date for Tuesday.

I saw her out last night and she was drunk again. She was yelling my name as soon as she saw me and pulled me over to introduce me to her friends. She said she was looking forward to Tuesday. Her friends were all guys and immediately started cockblocking Sicilian style, like physically standing between us and shit.

They wanted to go somewhere else, but she whispered to me to wait for her to come back. Then they kind of dragged her away. After that I didn't see her again, but it sounds like it's on for Tuesday.

I'm well aware that there could be rebound issues and all that bollocks and am totally prepared for it and don't care. If I just get to shag her, even once (which I will), I've won.

He says he doesn't fancy her anymore; well guess what. I do. It's my turn now.
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