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Phil Phil is offline
Starcastle Champion
Default Thinking Rampage - 13-04-2011, 11:25 PM

So when you look back and think of how you had onitis, u hate yourself

and you hate the fact that girl u liked seen u like that.

BUT i was thinkin..., there is a girl who really likes me but i dont like her back...

i dont want her havin to feel onitis, it horrible..

if i had the choice, id let her think i was caught up on her bad, as long as it would make her onitis go away!!

so im not assed what she thinks!! id be willing to look stupid to her, in order to save her the ordeal!!

but ... the thing is

a girl who we don care about anymore, we hate that they seen us to have onitis, yet you wouldnt care if a girl u never cared for thought it!

so whats the difference?? the only difference in it all is you!

so essentially, anytime u get paranoid, worried or bothered about what people think! ...or a girl who u like and u think she thinks your an idiot.

its not what they think, or that they care, its all to do with you, and your mind.....

shit outside of your mind cant cause an emotional response or bad feeling...

only your representation of it can

dunno wer the fuck this stuff springs from lol

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