Thread: holiday hassle
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Exclamation holiday hassle - 10-04-2011, 03:42 PM

The following is all above board, as my needy gf split up with me the DAY BEFORE I flew out to Asia...

I went onto forum for advice over a bird I've been shagging on my Asia tour. She's the hottest bird in the tour group. But today she wants to cool it as she had no plan to speak to any "blokes" on her holiday far less get with one, as she has done (me!), she split with a boyfriend a few months ago, and she envisaged the holiday as lots of her time, adventure sports, etc, not couples, doesn't like any couple idea, or men in general in light of recent ex. So I've said its just hanging out, enjoying it, fun, no pressure, its no big serious thing, but she wants to cool it.... I have not come across as needy, I have been chilled, "well we had some good times together", "its good to have chatted about this, its fine, just wanted to know what the deal is", is what I said... but actually I fancy her and don't wanna give up on a good thing!

any advice???????

The Way of The Rebus
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