Thread: 2012..
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Craigus Craigus is offline
Default 31-03-2011, 08:21 AM

RLAJay, I agree - running out of oil won't lead to 'the end of humanity' or 'the end of the world', but as mentioned in my post - it will lead to 'the end of the world as we know it'

Hydrogen, Wind, Solar, Gas, Nuclear energy - yes they are all suitable alternatives to Oil as an energy generating alternative, but there is no alternative to how we use Oil in 99% of the man-made products that we use and consume: Plastics, rubber, paints, lubricants, silicons, clothing & most importantly, fertilisers - all essential to manufacturing, food production, and commodities, which in turn is essential to the engine of our world's economy.

In essense, the point is not that the loss of Oil will send us back to the dark ages. But it will have a huge impact on our way of life as it currently is.

Worse case scenario: there will be wars, poverty, starvation, revolution not just in developing or middle eastern countries, but also in the western world.

Best case scenario: the world's economy will be so fucked that many countries currently considered 'developed' will fall back to being 2nd and 3rd world countries.

Much love,

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