Thread: Depression
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Midas touch Midas touch is offline
Default 29-03-2011, 06:59 PM

I don't think we will ever figure out everything. I think it's like a dog chasing it's own tail, or like unpeeling layer after never ending layer from an infinite onion. There seem to be an endless stream of sub-atomic-particles; new ones are being found all the time.

We have even gone behind the big bang now, to the singularity, and are theorising about what there was behind that, the multiverse, m-brane theory etc... it will never end.

So, therefore we will never arrive at a point in which we can prove that there is or isn't free will... there are just too many variables. If you you place a drop of water on the back of your hand it will roll off and land in a predetermined place, due to the shape of your hand, bumps, contours, hairs, a slight breeze etc ad infinitum. There are so many variables that all the computers in the world could not figure it out, but it doesn't mean that it is not predetermined. Logic does seem to indicate that there is no free will... but I suppose I will just carry on as though there is.

People are afraid of this theory as they think that it will make us all irresponsible for our actions. They don't like the thought that the universe and us all included may just be like an extremely intricate flower opening in a predetermined way. It offends the ego to think that we don't have free will.

Personally, I don't think it makes a jot of difference. We don't storm out of movie theatres because the ending is predetermined. Just enjoy the show.

Oh yeah, we were talking about depression. How depressing; I have no choices! lol So I also have no choice in the matter when I keep forgetting that I have no choice and feel as though I do.

The key is the emotions. We will never feel like we are a computer program, because we have emotions. When something affects us on an emotional level, we cannot detach ourselves and say, "Oh, but she had no choice." We react, and we are so driven by our emotions and sensations that it does indeed feel like we made a choice.
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