Thread: Depression
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Default 29-03-2011, 12:38 PM

I have tried meditating when lying down before, and I fall asleep every time. But when I fall asleep, its not the same. Its kind of a deep deep sleep, but then when I wake up, I feel like I have literally ZERO energy at all. I do not feel refreshed at all.

I have meditated sitting up before, and this does make me feel more refreshed, but sometimes it makes me more tired. I've even wasted 20 mins meditating in the toilet at work before!

But meditation is not something I do regularly, and I'm not really sure why. I just forget, or don't feel motivated to do it. I guess I kind of have my own style of meditation, when I just sit in silence and relax.

But my mind is so "outcome dependant" that I feel I am looking for something when meditating, which kind of defeats the point. Its like I am searching for myself, but don't know what I am looking for.

I've also listened to one of those audio files that are supposed to induce a certain type of brainwave, but that really made me feel so dead and out of energy again. Also, one of Paul McKenna's cds did that to me as well, the thing about "I can make you rich". Why does my brain go so negative after these self improvement methods?

I guess when you think about it, cause and effect is all around us, but nobody ever takes notice of it. Maybe we can use cause and effect in our favour?
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