Thread: Dominance
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Default 27-03-2011, 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by Maxemillion View Post
I know what you mean PS, you think that if you took hitler into a space where its just him and a girl that he;d be a chode but he wouldnt. He'd still carry himself as the leader of the Nazi empire and that would be attractive. He would display alpha-confidence, pride, power, leader of men. If he was toppled from power and you did the same experiment he would be a chode because his self-belief would be destroyed and he'd take on beta behaviours.
Not so. Look at the man, really look. Look past the crowds, look past the history, look past the power. What drove the man into his beliefs? What do you really see? I see anger, I see fear, I see a man with massive insecurities in his past. A man who has found a way to empower himself with radical philosophy, as escape from a desperately socially beta past. He fled from the fear and weakness of his past and it's driven him to the other extreme of the spectrum. Hitler was riddled with health problems, impotency problems apparently, addiction problems, and was considered shy (if not worse) by the women who worked around and for him. Take away that Meme's that surround him, take away all the pomp and social proof, put him in a room with a beautiful woman, and he would shrivel like a dying plant. I don't doubt it for a second. I know he looked alpha, but he wasn't. We want more than that for ourselves, I know you do and I know I do too.


"Civilise the mind, make savage the body"
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