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Parachute Panic Champion, Mahjong Champion
Default 17-03-2011, 08:48 AM

Originally Posted by Refl3x View Post
3)Its ruthlessly efficient-- in a few hours of online/facebook whatever - i can contact more girls than i could chain open in a week of real life sarging -- its a numbers game baby
Ironically, if you're having to plough out the higher numbers to get a good response, you're not efficient at all - and if you're relying on higher numbers of approaches to get a close, then you should probably look at what you're doing wrong in those approaches.

In all honesty (and in a completely none-arrogently intended way), I've gotten to the point now that when I'm out and about, I can number close most people that I want to. Probably 8 out of 10. 9 when I'm particularly on form.

I reckon that if I wanted to get 10 numbers in real life, I'd have to approach 12-15 girls. I bet to get the same quantity of numbers from facebook you'd have to cold message 100+ girls. To my mind, that's inefficient.

Also, it will take you several hours / days to type all of the things that you could say to someone in a matter of seconds / minutes. Again, inefficient.

Fair play if it's a route you want to take, but in that seven hours a week that you spent tapping on a keyboard you could have gone and found say 14 girls who you KNOW are local (you met them near home), who you KNOW what they look like (they're not walking around with Photoshopped faces) and you KNOW what they're like (because you've met them).

That's the way I'd prefer to be, but each to his own

"Can't is the cancer of happen" - Charlie Sheen
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