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BCB BCB is offline
Parachute Panic Champion, Mahjong Champion
Default 17-03-2011, 08:25 AM

Game is game.

Some people ooze face-to-face game, some people have mint text game, and some people rock facebook game. Whatever floats your boat really.

Personally I avoid the facebook game, not because I have anything against it, but because I have a reputation to protect.
I've become increasingly aware that text game, no matter how hated by some people, is vital to aid that escalation between number-close and D2. Girls like to text (the right person anyway).

Fair play to Soul if he managed to go down this route and grab some success from it. Sure, it's not a method for everyone, but he introduced (albeit in a chode-y way), DHV'd, forced responses, escalated and closed. That's game, right?

The only advantage that I see from this form of "none-physical" approach is two things:
1) You may be able to write / text things that you don't yet have the confidence to say to someone's face, so it's like practice, or a warm-up
2) Mystery. All she has to judge you on is your words and maybe some pictures. She doesn't know you. You can be anyone. That kind of mystery can excite the right woman.

Anyway, that's my two cents on the matter

"Can't is the cancer of happen" - Charlie Sheen
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