Thread: Weight Problem
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Default Weight Problem - 16-03-2011, 02:42 PM

Okay, I need to confess something. I am fat. I used to be really slim, toned and fairly muscular. And I felt awesome.

And for some reason, (probably at the time of meeting my current girlfriend), I have put on like 3 stone, now weighing 14 stone, and have grown quite the belly.

I always try to hide it, by wearing big and baggy clothes. But many of my nice clothes have stopped fitting me, and it is generally getting me down in life. I try to tense up a lot at work, so I don't look fat all the time.

I feel like I need help. I have a gym membership. I go alone, and don't know anyone who I can go with. I start going for a week, or 2, or sometimes even 3, but then, I just stop. I will be at work, and just feel like "meh, i cant be arsed to go to the gym after!" Then I stop for a few weeks. I've been like it a while now.

Also, I feel like I can't fix my diet. I feel so limited in what I can eat. I don't like: Salad, vegetables, fish like tuna, nuts other than peanuts. I just struggle to figure out what I can eat on my work lunch. Also, when I'm at college on Wednesdays, I just eat crap due to the lack of canteen (cob van comes), and just get loaded on fizzy pop bottles all day, which is terrible.

I feel like I'm addicted to fizzy drinks (like, I can't go a week without them). What I tend to do is have some breakfast, then not eat until I finish work at 4pm, cos I can't really stomach a dinner.

I want to burn away the stomach fat, and get a 6 pack eventually. I have read a billion articles on slimming, losing fat, building muscle, different variations, and I just really don't have any motivation. I want to start looking good again.

I also want to note: I hate running, concrete or the treadmill, as I get really bad back ache after like half a mile. For this reason, I've been going on the cross trainer (trying to do interval training on it). I also try and do some all body weight training.

I know its easy to say "just get up and go to the gym", but sometimes I just persuade myself not to go. Its frustrating. Anyways, if you're still reading this, any help or feedback will be appreciated, good or bad. I feel like this is a big stepping stone in the way of me being awesome.

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