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Default Limiting Beliefs - 05-03-2011, 07:54 PM

This one's for the inner game, self confidence and self esteem guys.

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are defined as a pervasive thought believed by a person that holds them back and thus limits them from achieving something they would otherwise want.

These can be anything from the belief that you're unfit or not capable of running - limiting an overweight person from being able to lose weight.

It could be the belief that you eat, eat and eat but don't put weight on - limiting your ability to gain weight and thus remaining unhappily skinny.

The truth is that neither of the above are true in almost all cases, I'm seen a 25st man run 10 miles without stopping, sure, he threw up twice along the way but he kept on going. He did not believe that his body was incapable of it and therefore it wasn't. The body is capable of amazing feats.

Underweight people will regularly use the excuse that they eat "loads and loads" but never gain weight. Most of the time this is completely false, many people completely overestimate how much they eat, they may eat a great deal at a time in one sitting while not eating regularly or normally at other times, thus creating this false belief. When they actually count the calorie intake of what they do eat it clearly shows that they eat on average below what they ought to be eating in order to gain weight.

Limiting beliefs in those seeking to improve their ability to attract others are many! One such belief that's absolutely embedded into society is that looks are incredibly important to attaction - they're not. Other common problems I see include approach excuses such as "He/She's probably a bitch/dick anyway" - a belief caused by the fear of an aggressively harsh response.

In order to escape limiting beliefs first you have to acknowledge that that's all they are, I could write pages and pages on this like others have tried to but there really is NO amount of writing that can solve the issue for you. What you need to do is acknowledge that it's not true and push yourself through it. Limiting beliefs commonplace in those new to self improvement are usually down to confidence and self esteem, no amount of reading can solve these things, no amount of thought on the matter will change it. What you have to do is go out there and prove to yourself that they're false, you have to have micro-epiphanies and change the way your brain works.

The biggest thing I can say regarding limiting beliefs is not to let this go in one ear and out the other, this is covered a lot in pua and seduction but it's not purely a part of that world, it is commonly used by qualified professional psychotherapists and is a very real phenomenon. Don't write it off as the usual pua "push yourself" rhetoric, it's very true and the ONLY way you can fix these problems is by gaining first hand experience that proves your limiting beliefs false. This takes time and I teach my students over 10 weeks for this very reason, you won't break down these beliefs instantly, they're usually imprinted pretty deep due the the little voice in your head but give it time and it WILL change. Don't shun the concept or give up because the problem hasn't gone away in just a few days. WORK AT IT!

Most of all though you need to stop reading about your problems, stop staring at this screen reading what is usually very similar advice given out in different ways over and over again, get out there and do something, nothing will change if you don't take action to change it.
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