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Big_L Big_L is offline
Default 23-02-2011, 03:29 PM

Just thought id add my 2p.

That routine seems to have too much volume imo (unless your on steriods). If your starting off my advice would be to buy mark rippetoe starting strength and follow his advice and routines. Id used to do the body part split, but since changing to full body 3x per week ive got bigger. heres the routing i started with:-

Workout A - Squats 3 x 5, Bench Press 3 x 5, Deadlift: 1 x 5, Dips 2 x 8
Workout B - Squats 3 x 5, Overhead Press 3 x 5, Power Clean: 3 x 5, Chin-ups 3 x 8
So for example, it'd be monday A, wednesday B, friday A, next monday B then repeat.

i have changed it abit now but its because i cant commit to 3x per week.

BTW i havent got any qualifications and this is just my opion , hope it helps.

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