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Phil Phil is offline
Starcastle Champion
Default 06-02-2011, 10:04 PM

Originally Posted by Refl3x View Post
Random question shooting from the hip here.

You say you cannot just have a normal conversation, you just basically take the piss constantly.
Can you have a normal conversation with your male friends?
- if so-- whats the difference? - you dont see girls as people just things?

If you cannot have a normal conversation with male friends
- Do you feel like you ahve nothing going on in your life of interest/value so you take the easy road and just take the piss?
ur spot on, i dont value women like i do friends, i see women as beneath me, in fact, its only when a girl shows me she is of value i will give her my time.

i do thing there are decent women out there, just not enuf of them

and yes, i know exactly how i sound, but its how i am.

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