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Craigus Craigus is offline
Default 21-01-2011, 01:06 PM

haha, fair enough, Kowalski - my apologies. I assumed you were interested in NLP, mostly because of that BBC documentary about the mind that you posted about the other day (good shout btw, it's a great program).

Nova, NLP anchoring is not about 'exerting a feeling' on someone, nor is it an illusion of feelings - anchoring is something we all do, all the time: it's merely the association of a feeling.

Have you ever had a song that reminds you of a certain time in your life? If so, that song is an anchor that brings those feelings back to you (Music producers do this all the time - they get a song played over and over in a holiday resort (like Ibiza, Kavos etc) so that when you get back to grey old england, you will go and buy that song to remind you of all the fun and sunshine (think about that Riverside tune last summer))
Another example of anchors: an old girlfriend of mine used to keep one of my skarves because the smell of my aftershave on it would remind her of me. (the scarf was an anchor)
An example of a negative anchor would be the feelings of fear/anger/hate that a victim of a crime would feel if they revisited the scene of said crime. (the location is an anchor)

BF Skinner was a prominent psychologist from the early 1900's (he was covered in that BBC doc the other day) who first discovered that we all have emotional triggers, whether that be through natural/evolutionary cultivation (eg, the smell of food triggers hunger; or big tits=boner), or through artificial cultivation (eg, a red traffic light means stop; or as seen in 99% of the advertising that we are bombarded with everyday).

Tbh, I've never really done any anchoring when trying PU, but I have helped some friends develop thier own anchors for emotional states: eg, if they want to feel confident, they think about a time/event where they felt super confident. While thinking about that time/event, you create and develop an anchor, which, after a period of time cultivating that anchor, can be triggered in order to get themselves directly into that confident emotional state.

Much love,


Last edited by Craigus; 21-01-2011 at 02:42 PM.
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