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Refl3x Refl3x is offline
Default 13-01-2011, 11:39 PM

Hi Nicobar,

I also joined myself a couple of days ago, maybe i can help you. My background is not PUA but i know a lot about Anxiety and Depression, having battled with it myself and still battleing it, and seen what it does to myself and to others.
I am on the road out of it but its been a difficult never ending battle.

You need to break the cycle, what you need to start doing is integrate with other people-- i know you dont want to see your family but you would actually draw strength from seeing your family, from making friends-- BUT i know the depression stops you from doing this/ stops you from wanting to do this even though it would make you feel better inside.

My Depression at its worst paralised me on the sofa, not being able to cope with doing even the smallest of tasks - like emptying my dish washer!, so being unable to face doing anything all i could do was sit and think about the things that made me depresed-- making myself feel worse and more depressed

When you get into this condition its not a case of 'bucking your ideas up', a sufferer of severe depression cannot mentally do this.
The only way you can beat this and become your old self again is to make friends, to see family - to begin to enjoy your life-- but i know that you mentally are not strong enough to do this-- this is where the medication comes in, the medication is a tool (not solution)that allows you to break your cycle of depression - of Rumination (negative self talk/thinking)
and allows you to feel normal and like you want to carry on with your life-- during this time its important you integrate/ make friends etc etc-- then eventually you have no need for the medication as you have 'fixed' the issues causing you the depression.
the medication i use is called Cytalopram, i strongly suggest you go see your Doctor and he will have you perform the depression scale and will no doubt prescribe that to you.

Ps i was also a sportsman that went down the steroids route.

Hope some of this helps, from someone thats been there!

Last edited by Refl3x; 13-01-2011 at 11:41 PM.
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