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ohanrahan ohanrahan is offline
Junior Member
Default ANother text flaker! - 28-11-2010, 09:02 PM

Ok so I started a new job recently, last weekend we had our xmas party and I ended up kissing one of the girls from the office.
Now I work on her team and fully intended something to happen there so I had laid the ground work, got IOI's, phone number etc. before the party. I'm not new to this by any means

Back at work I mention it in conversation and she kind of plays like she doesn't want to talk about it, not negatively just seems kind of shy about it.

So I continue gaming her, office email, phone calls etc. which goes ok but not great

I tried getting a text convo going after hours but to no avail. She simply doesn't reply, we work closely together which is preventing me from doing a freeze out but I sense there is something else I could try.

Any ideas?

I also have a gf and I'm gaming a 3rd girl successfully but I want to keep the image of being single with this girl.

Thanks for reading!
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