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presence presence is offline
Junior Member
Default 23-11-2010, 07:21 PM

Hey bro,I know partly the dilema you have as I go to uni too.Dude im not gonna tell you aloadf shit about being a man,because frankly advise like that
from some random dude on a forum dosent do much.I can tell you however that the way you see your situation is from your perspective,no 1 elses.You make the choice to talk to people,not the situation.There is no such thing as a perfect situation.From my personal experience at uni the following simple things has secured me a nice expansive social circle.

1:Smile,It dosent matter how juskeep a cheeky grin on while your on campus,you will get the odd chuckle from wanna be Alphamales but beside that people react really well to it.

2:Takeout those fucking earphones,might not be an issue for you but I always had this need to listen to tunes while I walked anywhere.From seeing
other people do it I have found it to be somewhat anti-social,IMO.

3:Have something that defines you,for me its workingout and yoga,I often make an effort to talk the guys that often eat lunch alone(u know the type)and I always ask them-"what u into buddy?".The answer always comes back-"you know,hanging out","I play a bit of football", ect.

4:TALK TO EVERY 1,this little rule has helped more than anything,it was allso one of the hardest for me to get into doing daily.Tescos,Bus stop,Elevator,Street,Class,Ques,Bank,Post Office,Gym,Sauna,Clothes store,News stands,video store,mac donalds ect.By talking to the fucking weirdos I meet in all these places,Opening colleage girls in a cafe is prettyeasy
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