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Joe_Fresh Joe_Fresh is offline
Default 29-10-2010, 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
I'll play devils advocate here.

1. Tyler says it isn't fact. Just something he came up with from reading, doing, discussing, thinking and says if you come up with something better that's great.

2. See 1

3. If a computer is wired up properly, it will always be in the most appropriate state for any circumstance. I propose that Tyler has something similar in mind here.

4. The first step is understanding that it is possible. That seems to be the point of a lot of his stuff. If you believe it is possible to feel a certain way then it is.

5. There are many methods, I'm sure you aware of some. Tylers prefered method seems to be constructing a believable argument that fits his experiences and believing it. This is the standard way. People have opinions, there's a discussion, sometimes things arise that make at least one party change their beliefs.

6. Discipline.

7. This is a big one. Can you clarify what you mean? Are you asking this because some people are cunts?

8. See 1

9. What hasn't worked, for who, when? And, you beg the question are delusional beliefs bad?



fucking awesome post dude! although seemingly simple responses u clarified alot there for me.

i do believe that in essence this shit is true and helpful, whether tyler is describing totally to my satisfaction or not. i personally have benefited a lot from knowing this stuff.

thinking about it now i suppose the key is knowing, then believing, then implementing and then being disciplined with it.

however i do fear that its just another short term solution to a seemingly long term problem that affects the vast majority of people. the novelty will surely wear off and cracks will appear. some such cracks i have currently identified are as follows;

i feel that whilst teh concept sounds nice and simple its anything but. the lines get really blury when u start to think "ok what beliefs result from my self esteem..ill keep those and what beliefs are from my ego..they can do one". this aspect of it is so vital to get right but at the same time this aspect is SO SO GREY getting this wrong surely causes the whole concept to fail at least on some level. in essence this task may just be totally unworkable, the theory on some level seemingly defeats itself due to the inherent uncertainty in this aspect of it. it could also result in clones, everyone ends up accepting the same beliefs about themselves and acting accordingly. alternatively rather than being an all out methodical and practicable solution it may just be an aid to shrugging off blatant ego based beliefs and an aid to just embracing a "general" feeling of contentment and joy (possibly based on inherent self esteem or possibly ego).

i do fear as well though that following the concept can result in u believing certain things about urself that arent true and so becoming delusional. i really believe that u cant lie to yourself for too long. it could totally mess with ur understanding of who u are aswell if u start believing certain things about urself that actually arent true. it could be dangerous too eg i believe i can fly so i go jump of a roof. K ive got a feeling ur probably now gonna drop some Satre...existence b4 essence and all that shite haha.

I do freely admit though that any other concept in life can lead to the same problem and so maybe i shouldnt expect this concept to safeguard completely against this. its just that it seems to be the whole purpose of this concept to do just that, therefore it should deliver. again though the concept may just be an aid rather than an all out solution.

also i think the application of this stuff to pua is alot more limited than its application to dealing with life in general. i say this only from my own limited experience of it in field. i strongly feel that just knowing this shit will not get u a lay guys. Material (yes i said material..i have my own personal definition here) and ego based externals matter alot. how could they not when all women out there are socially conditioned to be attracted to ego based externals, money wealth, fashion etc...

in relation to Q7, i agree, potentially a major point. my answer = yes because some people r cunts. but also yes because we are all cunts at times. at the end of the day u can call it an ego based problem or low self esteem or whatever, but the reality is its a chemical imbalance. sometimes it could be caused by the ego but at other times by hormones or something biological that we cant control. these could be more common causes of us being cunts than the supposed ego caused cunt problem. so how can it be good for the self or in this instance "cunt self" to come through in such cases. how can we know what the cause is, how can we safeguard against this? does the theory fail her?? should we just assume its the ego thats causing us to be a cunt and then try to crush it and see where it takes us???

love makin sh*t happen!

Last edited by Joe_Fresh; 30-10-2010 at 12:59 PM.
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