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B rad B rad is offline
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Default 06-10-2010, 02:22 AM

Its great that you are approaching. Thats half the battle won already!!! What are you looking for when you are going out? If you know it also makes it easier.

I totally agree with snake eyes. Talk about what you are doing at the moment. There is a lot more to us than we give ourselves credit for. And definitely use pauses for impact and build tension.

By asking questions (open or closed) you are seeking her approval, especially if you have just met her and this could be seen as a DLV. By making statements/telling stories about things that happen in your life it is a DHV. I wouldn't go in bragging... about how you were the only one out of your group of friends who won the drinking competition last friday. Take her on an emotional ride.

After I've opened I might proceed with "You look like you have a good taste in music. My nephew and I are learning to play guitar and are challenging each other to learn cool acoustic songs. What do you think would be the coolest song I could challenge him to play?" They respond with something that is generally a rubbish love song. I'll respond "Ah thats a good one I'll have to check it out." I'll proceed tell them about this tricky song he is getting me to learn, how at 1st it was difficult but by practicing it gets easier. And now that I'm learning it its like I heard again for the 1st time and really got the message of the song which is... Then after a while if things are going well I'll pop in something like "When I've got it down I'll have to play it for you sometime" (this is a great future pace, gets the idea in her head that we could see each other again) "Although I am nervous about singing in front of people, will you go easy on me? I was at ... where they had karaoke and I was shaking so much the mic almost fell out my hands (laugh) and I thought to myself how would Bono sing this and ... (This either leads on to) a: seeing U2 in concert... held up our phones like lighters (good excuse to get phone out then ask for number) b: the good feeling of having done something you were scared of doing

What ever you decide to talk about make it personal. Something you can easily talk about.

- If you would still like to use open ended questions I would suggest it be about something like, I like travelling so I would ask, "You look like the adventurous type, If money was no object, and you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? and Why? (this way you are finding a bit more about her in an area you are actually interested in. If she doesn't like travelling then I'd ask why not. DHV(get her to qualify herself to you) Generally if she doesn't like travelling then I wouldn't want to get to know her anyway.

- "I'm starving, I could demolish a good pizza/curry. What's the best pizza you've ever had? What did it taste like?" Almost everyone can talk about the food they love. You could then talk about your favourite pizza/curry place and what it smells like as you walk through the door and how friendly the staff are and how the flavours are amazing

Take her on a journey. Enjoy the ride.
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