Thread: '5 a Day'
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Snake Eyes Snake Eyes is offline
Jason's Pong Champion, Snakeman Steve Champion, Hexxagon Champion, Breakout Champion, Zookeeper Champion
Default 26-09-2010, 10:33 PM

and we're back, need to keep this thing more up to date, as I think I have missed some approaches here! Anyway this is what I remember

Thursday 16th Sept

Very tired from night with pub crawl girl. Looked a mess, got bad AA. No approaches! Bad Snake Eyes!!

Friday 17th Sept

A bit annoyed at Thursday. AA was creeping back in. I knew I had to snap back into state, so went out at lunch on Oxford Street and told myself I'm not going back until I had done at least 1 direct approach.

15) My heart was pounding at the thought of direct (only done this 3 times before and never to a walking target). After about 20 minutes of making excuses in my head I finally took the plunge and approached a cute blond who walked past.
'Hey this is going to sound kind of random, but I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi.'
Reaction, very good. I was slightly surprised, my heart was still pounding, but kept it going. 'So what you up to etc.' She was some sort of intern, so I teased her about been a tea girl or something'. I guessed wrongly where she was from ( I try to do this rather than boring interview style questions - seems to work better even if you are wrong and they love it when you get it right. Interaction was going ok, but she said no when I asked for a number. She used some excuse about only just meeting me or something (must think of a better way to do this!). Didn't mind though this was my first direct street approach and I felt great as a result.

16)My state was up now all afternoon. Got home and was ready for a night out. A girl parked outside my house, so I asked her who she was. She said 'balah blah, is this where the party is', 'no, lets go there' I say and go with her to the house 2 doors down. It is all quite funny and I say Happy Birthday to the girl who's party it is (don't think it was her B'Day though). 'Hey I know you, we came to your New Years Eve Party' says party girl. 'Oh oh' I thought as I suddenly recognised her and all her flat mates. There was a bit of an incident at New Years that made that house not like me very much (which is a bit harsh - I am very nice guy generally!) We chatted a bit longer, but then I realised they were all looking at me a bit weird, so I left!

17) 2 set at the bar (I am out now), just asked how they were doing. Very receptive to my heighted state of the day. Didn't really fancy them too much though.

18) 2 set on a sofa - I told them they were in our seats (our friend had booked some seats somewhere for his B'Day). They said they had been there since 4, turned into some chat. Was quite funny, but nothing special.

19) Saw a girl I recognised, so said hi. She had some friends with her, 1 of which was an American hottie of Greek decent ("Americano"). Over a week ago now, so can't remember too much of this bit, but remember I was on very good form. Was negging the hot American girl a lot and getting good reactions. She is saying English men are devious (hmm this could be good...)
My friends were leaving to go to an after party, but I declined. I stayed with 3 girls, my other mate and his bird. Carried on teasing all of them and been generally fun and chatty. Went out for a cigarette with 1 of them and was thinking of closing, but didn't (so so glad I didn't given how the story goes later!) Am about to go back with my friend when the girls ask me if I want to come to a strip joint. Hmmm what sort of PUA would I be if I said no, so I looked at the girls and said to my friend 'Nah I think i will stay out for a bit'.
It actually turned out to be a strip club that turned into a night club later (and was actuall quite cool, even if it does sound trashy as hell). I think this is actually a better situation in all honesty. I buy the 1st round of Tequilas as they had got me in for free. Chat a bit more and dance. Start dancing with Americano and we were suddenly very close and I felt a change from friendliness to sexualness. we go out for a cigarette and i think, here we go location chnage again and now we are on our own surely kiss will happen here. Arrgghh we get interupted by an old rambling man. It is funny, but kills the mood. We go back in and our dancing again. The whole time I have Ozzy from Transformations running in my head 'Run the Train, Run the Train'. Bring her in close again and away, all the time thinking how am I going to kiss her. Now what!!
'Hey, are you going to kiss me or what!' says Americano.
Oh yeah, maybe I should just kiss her (stupid PUA material making me think too much). We do, she is not that good to tsrat with, but I let her off as she is hot. She gets better a lot better and we are dancing a lot very close too. Right extraction....
'Hey we should go'. She doesn't really react. Hmmm. Later I try again. I take her by the hand and say 'Come on lets go'. 'What, no I've just met you, I'm going back to my friends tonight'. This is annoying.
We end up leaving the club a bit later about 4ish (me and 3 girls). I know this will be make or break! 1 of them leaves. A taxi stops and the non Americano asks if I'm coming back. I look at Americano and say 'erm yes'. She looks a bit shocked. We get in the taxi and it doesn't move. People are looking at me. 'Erm yeah I'll just come back for 1 drink' I know its bullshit, the girls know its bullshit, the taxi driver knows its bullshit, but regardless we also all know it was a necessary bullshit to get that taxi moving!
Back at their flat watching MTV. Non-Americano goes back to bed and I am left alone with Americano. We kiss a bit more and she says again nothing is going to happen. I know what you English are like. Oh no! MY OLD NEMISIS LMR! Hmmm, however I have had my training in Poland (see previous FR) and am not going to let this one defeat me. I say I never said I was going to sleep with you or something to that effect. I go to the bathroom and when I come out to my horror my shoes are waiting for me at the front door (not where I took them off) and there is no Americano (not the song). She has gone!
Then she is there again and she has changed into her pyjama thingys. Phew! We go into her bedroom and start kissing again. We are dry humping, but I stop as I realised this did me no good in Poland. All I get from that is a whole lot of frustration and pre-cum stained boxer shorts!
I play with her pussy through her pants and then I am in. Once my fingers are wet I am relieved. No turning back! I go down on her and then I hear the sweat words 'Ok we can do it'. My life was made far easier by the fact she came once already and wanted more ( I think from the fingures actually if I am remembering correctly). We have good sex and then a few times the following day. She has an amazing body. Tits just the right size, shape and weight. She has a very nice colour of skin (from her Greek decent) and she has beutifull hazel eyes that make me happy when I think of them now actually. Good result and all because I changed my state by stepping out of my comfort zone and direct approaching earlier in the day.

Saturday 18 Sept (No approaches)
Fucking and pillow taking most of the day (see above)

Sunday 19 Sept (No approaches)
Turn down pub crawl girl for a date, felt a bit bad about this.

Monday 20 Sept (No approaches)
Date with pub crawl girl

Tuesday 21 Sept
Meet up with a guy from the forum. He has his non PUA mate with him. He is really nice, but I'm not really ready for non-PUA knowing about this and seeing me do it (makes me feel a bit lame to be honest as I'm still not very good). Anyway this is what happened:

20) Opened someone right before I met them, but can't remember too much.

21) Asked 2 girls where Karma Cafe is. Woah they are 2 young! Eject!!

22) See a hottie walk past and I'm going direct (same line as before). Again I am almost surprised by how good the response is. Not only that, but the conversation is so much easier due to the adrenaline rush from direct and the fact I'm not just lying to speak to her. I go to grab my phone and say 'there you go' (trying a new technique). She says no, but asks if she can take mine. I haven't heard from her ("sniff she was very hot"). Need to sort out my day closing this week!!!

23) Asked a girl about her sandwich. She is a bit ugly.

24) 2 girls in a bar. My target is hot. I open with 'Hey do you know of any bars that are not so touristy around here' or something like that. We chat for a bit. She asks where I'm from I say london. She asks why I did I ask about bars then. I said I made it up because she was hot and i wanted to speak to her (haha). Goes ok, but my chat is a bit off! They ask us to guard their seats whilst they go fr a cigarette. Some guy comes over and says they have left with another guy or something (very stange they hadn't). I don't want to hang around like chodes so we leave. I don't even say good bye, probably could have pushed, but the fact they had left us there like chodes made me not like the situation.

Very tired, go home a bit ejected.

Wednesday 22 Sept
Date with Americano - very good!!! But no real approaches.
Americans give amazing head or at least this one does.

Thursday 23 Sept
Tired from fucking Americano and getting up at 7. Still no excuse!!! Bad Snake Eyes, no approaches.

Friday 24 Sept
I am meeting Americano later (she is going home on Sunday, so want to spend quite a bit of time with her - I like this girl and she really liked me. However, glad she is going don't really want a relatonship at the mo.
Want to get in my 5 approached before I meet her!

25) See the girl all my work mates had been gawking at outside, so ask to borrow a lighter. Chat for a bit, but then her friend comes. They are leaving. Shame, but at least I know her name and that she works very near me.

26) Ask a girl how she is doing who is sat near me. She is quite fun, but not that fit. She tells me she works for the KGB and then number rapes me! God how many girls have I done this too!!! Suddenly my street approaches make me cringe (not going to stop me though).

27) I chat to girl outside who is looking distressed, but she does not want my help that is for sure! She's not even that fit. The fact I get rejected in front of my work mates, doesn't bother me at all cos my state is very high at the moment. Think its cos of Americano!

28) My work mate wants to go look for girls. Cool lets go I say. we see a couple and I open with something a bit lame but it works. It is 1 of theres B'Day (the fit one). I am teasing her about having no friends and such. Suddenly all my work mates are there hounding us, but is ok. We chat for a bit and then we are leaving to go to the next place. I say they should come join us. They can't. I think 'run the F'ing train'. And I do and it works. I just get keep getting closer and I have my arms round her waist and bang i kiss close to the amazment of my work mates. Only known her 10 minutes cool (ok have kissed closed quicker perhaps, but not in this sort of sit down environment we were in). I take her number and leave.

29) My nimbus is raging!! I really understand what this means now. We are in the next bar and I see 2 girls (Mexicans). 1 is smoking the other is ok. I can't remember how I open, but I remeber it been easy and I felt like everyone I spoke to was in love with me. I pull the hottie in and start cerocing her much to the amazment of my lovable, but chode like work mates. We have some of our huge cocktail that work people have bought. I chat to some other people and its time to go meet Americano. Hmmm I'm going to test my state before I go. I grab hot mexican girl from my work mate (I feel a bit bad a bout this now actually , but he wouldn't have done anything) and say I'm leaving and just kiss her so easily. I can't explain how effortless it was. I think my higher state was mainly due to becasue things are going so well with Americano, but it did feel good. This is now my goal to acheive this state whenever I go out! I FB close (she has no UK number) and leave.

30) I chat to some hen party. I can feel they want me. No kidding, I definately reached a new place on Friday that I want to be again!

31) I chat to some milfs on tube. It is very flirty and fun. I feel radiant.

32) I go chat to some girls in a club who I thought I knew, but then realise its not them. Thought I'd include it as they just seemed to except I was there. Was only when I realised that they weren't the friends of Americano that it was weird.

33) Again not really an approach, but a reminder to myself that this state can be acheived. A girl grabs me and starts dancing with me. She keeps calling me shy and trying to get close. I go to see Americano who is looking a bit upset by this and kiss her. Not caring at all dancing girl comes up and starts telling Americano how fit I am!! (No darling that is actually just heightened state you are experiencing!). Eventually my other female friend grabs dancing girl off her and tells her to back off (she is friends with her too I think, isn't hostile or anything).

Saturday 25 Sept

Had a lot of sex with Americano and we talk about what she thought of me when she first met me. Was quite interesting:
'Yeah so you came up and chatted to us ("opener"), but then you kept on been really mean to me ("hmm that will be negs"). I wasn't sure if you liked me ("erm she needs my validation or soemthing"), but my friends seemed to like you though ("social proof"). We then went to that other bar and you were very touchy ("kino"), espceially when we were dancing ("escalation"). I liked your dress sense (haha no one had ever said this before "peacocking" I guess). You took me outside ("isolation") and I got to know yo a bit better ("comfort") and then we went and danced again and you were relentless all over me ("running the train").
She didn't say it quite as mechanically as that, but she did mention all these things which made me laugh. I'm going to start asking 'success girls' about my approach to see what I did, because I can't always remember and it is quite funny!

Oh and also she gave me her fucking guitar!! Yes an actual electric guitar! Cool, my first trophy from PUA!

Sunday 26 Sept

Absolutely nada! Have been lazy this week as I had it easy with the American girl. Now I am back to nothing (well apart from Pub Crawl perhaps), so need to up my game a bit and start actually doing '5 a day' - starting tomorrow. I can already feel my state dropping, went to a sunday lunch today and could already feel my chat is stifled again and I'm going in my own head a bit again. Hmm definately not 'fixed' yet, but the last 2 weeks has been good for me!

Until next time......
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Darood (26-10-2010), Lovefish (21-08-2011), piers147 (20-10-2010), TallGuySlim (02-10-2010), whistleblower (31-10-2010)