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Damask Damask is offline
Default Maybe we dont need premade openers? - 16-09-2010, 08:41 PM

Ok, so my first serious post. Feel free to say im wrong.
Well reading through these sites, you see alot of guys asking for/telling us openers to use. Now, this is all well and good, its great if your starting out and need some confidence or backup, im not saying their useless, but they’re ever so slightly predictable.
See the way im seeing it, is this isnt a small thing anymore. Lots of people are discovering this method of getting girls, and as neil strauss said, the mentors/gurus are cloning themselves, because they teach people to use premade openers.
Now im sure many of you will know what im talking about, and will have an opinion, but heres the way i see it. You cant use other peoples openers, because if everyone did that, it would become the norm, just like the norm of opening with a compliment. If we all open with negs, then girls will respond better to compliments because its something different.
What i propose, is that you dont have a whole compendium of premade openers, you dont walk into a club and have them premade. I say, we walk into the club, and we make them when we get in.
For example, if a club is upstairs, you can open with ‘how did you get up here in those shoes? I nearly broke my neck in sensible ones’ or if you walk in and the smoke machines are too heavy say something like ‘its a good job they turn this smoke right up, else i might have thought twice about coming over’
Im not saying use those, they arent the greatest. But by opening with something directly related to the club/the target, they will talk more freely than the old ‘sister has david bowie on her wall’ (im not saying this doesnt work, but i’ve noticed its more suited for the street)
Now this is probably nothing new to all of you, and i dont want to be the new guy, barging in, telling you what to do.
Feel free to put me in my place, we’re all here to learn
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