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db x db x is offline
KickUps Champion, Curveball Champion, Mouse Race Champion
Default 05-09-2010, 12:50 PM

do not send that text if you haven't sent it yet!

that's not a good idea. at least not putting it that way... maybe turn it around... ask her why she didn't kiss you? or maybe say something like I know you don't like kissing in the cinema from what you said about that other guy, but I was so tempted! so lets watch a film at mine? or is it the kissing while watching films you don't like?... I dunno but telling her you where nervous is suicide imo... even more if she is the type to go for fighters and things obv not a quality she looks for lol...

that's my very strong opinion. do not start talking about how nervous you where...

db x

The unexamined life is not worth living.
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