Thread: Bitch Shield
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bushido bushido is offline
Default 28-07-2010, 12:44 PM

girls put up bitch shields for 3 main reasons:

1. They do not want a a guy hovering around them all night like a mosquito, just because they were nice to enough to politely have a conversation with them. They dont want someone hanging around when they are trying to talk with their friends.

2. She is simply having a bad day, we all get in bad moods and is just in a pissy mood.

3. She is using this as a test to find the real alpha males.

Now its easy to say i cant be bothered talkin to girls who seem bitchy, but your missing out on alot of girls if u do this. Also what if u have your eye on a girl and you go to approach the group and the the alpha female is bitchy, i guess then u just have to tell her to fuk off and miss the chance of getting that girl u had your eye on.

Not only this but if you get angry when a girl asks bitch, yea it can feel DAMN good to tell her to go fuck herself, but this is a temporary feeling..

Your state may go down and your can be put in a bit of a mood urself, why let her do that..?

Instead when a girl gives you attitude, validate her..


guy walks up to 5 hot girls at a table

guy: hey quick female opinion guys
bitch girl: (holds up hand, in a dismissive way) um we're not giving you any opinion unless you buy us all drinks first..(smiles at her friends)

wat would your reply be?

a) how about u got fuk urself

b) i dont buy drinks unless i know people first

c) um ok sure

a=fail and ur now in a bad mood
c=epic fail

b) good chance she may just dismiss you, " well then ur not gettin our opinion"

Now wat do you do i hear you ask?

Guy: (look her in the eyes and smile ) im not buying ur friends a drink..

girl is about to say something

guy: im gona buy you a drink.. because your the only girl who had the balls to ask me that, i like girls who are outspoken like that..theres too many nice, quiet girls around here..

guy:but u know what you gona drink somethin that i choose, not that pink cocktail uve got there but a real drink.. (take her to the bar or have a waiter come to u or watever)

The key is to not get emotional or angry, to actually validate what she says and turn it into a positive, somethin you like, giving you the value...

also if you approach a girl and you ask her opinion for example need some advice, what type of shoes should i buy my friend? if u sense any type of agressiveness in her facial expressions or tone of voice, interupt her is she tries to say anything, with "now think about i want something original here"

if she asks why or why are u asking me? then reply with something like " well you look like the type of girl that has good taste" you arent saying this in a needy way, you are validating her and giving her postive validation, you have higher value..

I hope this helps to deal with those bitchs shields out there, but remember its called a bitch shield not a bitch core for a reason, its a shield she puts up and tbh with you i would prob do the same thing if i was in her shoes..


the greatest success is found when you get outside your comfort zone
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