Thread: Risk v's reward
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Default 22-04-2009, 03:31 PM

Turning into quite a good topic this.. glad i thought about it :-)

Anyway just for a little clarification round the question then. So when i mean risk v's reward, the risk is being told to "fuck off" or blown out, or however you want to word it. Your either going to get blown out from minute 1 (ultra direct opener), 5 to 15 minutes down when you ask for a number if you've gone indirect, a day later if you've called for a day one etc etc. OR you f close, either after a minute of talking and taking her back to your place that night or 2 or 3 dates down the line. or anything in between the two.

You are very much less likley to get told to fuck off if you start and indirect opener ("hey hows it going") and when you ask for her number and you don't get it, it will be a nicer no or a wrong number than an imediate get lost (prased one way or another).

so low risk:

PUA: Hey
HB: hi
PUA: hows you night going
HB: just here with friends
etc etc

Low reward out of the back of it as you may get a number, you may get nothing but you've been plesent. If you get a number you've got to do the follow up calls, then the day one and risk a flake, then it may roll into a day two etc etc Lots of time gone, there for rate of return is low (low reward).

High risk:

PUA:"your coming back to mine tonight"
HB: "fuck off" or something else.

So your going to feel a bit shit off the back of it, she's probably been a little embarrased if she with her mates, or offended. On the flip side, you get round a hell of a lot more women than chatting for 20 minutes with one and you've stated that she's comeing home with you, if she says yes, its on, and job done that night. High reward.

Plus then i guess from the above you've got the slut v's whore bit that K and Anthony have gone into. The 1st girl being the whore and the latter bing the slut.. maybe - comment?

Hey i'm still learning and it's baby steps for me. The main point was to get me opening, then staying in the conversation, now escallation, then closing. We all have different styles of opening, some use the shitty dental floss, some use other opinion openers, some use Hi, i'm hoping there are people on here that purely use the tim's "hey i thought you were cute and had to meet you" and some may mix it up a bit and use all the above.

I'm interested to know who does what and why?


Last edited by Retro; 22-04-2009 at 03:46 PM.
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