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Default 14-07-2010, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by camarda View Post
being social is a skill. meeeeeh, ive spoke about this earlier in the thread, and mentioned comfortability etc. interesting to see what zone comes back with.
Its actually called social skills lol, what i believe is everybody has different levels of ability in different things, 2 people learn to drive, one will end up being a better more skill full driver than the other, if 2 people go the gym, one may see greater results that the other, even if there doing exactly the same thing, its genetic. But the guy that has less genetic ability than the other can still improve the physic, and overall fitness. When your doing/learning something you have to make sure your learning from the right material/people, theres alot more to being a body builder than just lifting weights, many different techniques/diets that will suit some more than others.

But with social skills, theres more to it as regards to just a skill, you have to be in a social state before you go out, so i would do things to get me into that state.

You must have both good social intelligence, and good social state, to be at your best. + innergame.

When i first properly got into this PUA stuff, I was actually doing worse with women for probably the first 12 months, but i stuck with it i learnt, eventually from my mistakes, I always had belief in what i was learning, and i started to see improvements, the last year has been dramatic, I use to be shy and quiet, now i can go out on my own and have great interactions with people i meet, Am seeing someone now i met while out on my own, 3 years ago i would of never of believed how much av changed, and others have seen the change.

I was also working on inner game, am more confident, much less anxious, far less in my head and more living in the moment, than i ever was before i got into self help.

Your talking to someone that has benefited massively from the PUA community, and your trying to tell me its a sham.
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