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malko malko is offline
Junior Member
Default 17-06-2010, 04:20 PM

i like day game. Not into the "you're gorgeous" line early as i think it puts them on a pedestal and sets the wrong precedent. Just look for something going on around you, comment on that and away you go. However getting the you're cute line in is a good way to judge if they like you and makes your intentions clear its just when to drop it. They always ask at some point "so what are you doing today? Reply with "well i was doing x and y and now i am chatting to a cute (insert something about her) girl " If they keep talking, then you keep listening and talking. Either ask to move on or after 15-20 mins say you got to go, ask for number job done. I like the chat and get number option then you can build attraction with calls and texts before a meeting. Its easy

Last edited by malko; 17-06-2010 at 04:26 PM.
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