Thread: Weird problem
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Unhappy Weird problem - 13-06-2010, 01:16 PM

I have a really weird problem with my internal state right now.

More often than not these days, I feel pretty good about myself. I have good fun when I go out, enjoy myself and have fun with social interaction.

Sometimes, though, I have times when things don't go well. Maybe something goes wrong at work, or I feel ill from going out the night before. The worst for producing this problem is when I see my ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend on campus.

Whenever something like this happens, my internal state just cripples itself. I find myself withdrawing, and struggle to keep social interactions going. I find myself stuck in my own head. Whoever I am with can't help but pick up on my depressive vibe, and this just makes the interaction unpleasant for all of us, which in turn only adds to my negative internal state. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Its like a switch gets flipped, and suddenly I go into a state of depression.

Escaping from the social interaction doesnt help either, as then I feel like I have failed, or feel unhappy through being alone.

I was hoping someone here with a knowledge of internal states might help me to deconstruct these feelings, and help me understand why they come about, and perhaps how I can go about solving them. It is pointless, its holding me back and its fucking up my game. I need to know how to escape depressive moods and how to get out of my head in social settings.

Last edited by whacksmith; 13-06-2010 at 01:27 PM.
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