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sapmi sapmi is offline
Default 12-04-2009, 03:47 AM

Hi Guys,

Ready for the next installment?

Easter Saturday 2009:
Well out with Jinx, Swype, Kowalski, Promethius, Retro, Rood, legend, Kowalski's sister and met Spooner from the Lair.

We wanted to get into Trof, so Jinx opened this blonde HB8.5 (in my opinion guys) so that he could pair up with us to get into Trof. I kept looking at her, she kept looking at me - she said to me "I know you from somewhere". It was the girl I nearly kiss closed from Valentines day!

I got chatting to her briefly again, then said I had to get back to my friends. I just handed her my phone - she typed the number in. Bingo, number close!Thanks Jinx. I see this as like a trophy - thing is, I'm not sure whether the interaction was strong enough to begin with for her to reply. However - this is the second time she opened me. She was the one who opened me on Valentines day! Now before you say, I fancy her only because she opened me - I get opened by Ugs alot - so to be opened by someone I actually fancy is pretty cool.

Anyway the number close woo'ed me a little. I opened quite a few sets. Got blown out a little, or I ejected, because I didn;t fancy them. I opened one set outside Walrus. Well, I was walking outside of Walrus. I saw a girl stand there having a fag....LAZER EYES!!!.. I thought she was HB9.5, my jaw dropped. So I just walked over to her and started talking (wouldn;t have been able to do that 6 weeks ago!). Her friends came, and I got chatting to the whole set outside for like half an hour. They went in Walrus, I followed in to find the rest of the gang. I didn't number close then, because I thought I would see her again there. I did see her again, but they were ejecting from the club....damn missed opp! On hindsight, should have number closed earlier on.

Last but not least we went into this Lounge night club hip hop thing. It was OK, danced with a few girls, did not kiss close. Approached a few girls there. One girl I attempted to number close - she said "boyfriend", I didn't bother.

Loads of cheek kissing, kino, clawing etc Plus a number close

No K close, no F close on the night.

I think everyone should have the opportunity to go out with the experts like Kowalski, Swype, Jinx etc at least once a week. Having more advanced PUAs in your social circle is a god send.

However, that said, I will start to Solo game next week. (basically open one set and go home lol) - This will develop my skill set to new levels. Guys, if you could be there in spirit for me (i.e on the other end of the phone) I would appreciate the help - I just want to get as good as you.

Over and out - final installment tommorow - OMG please no whores on Monday! It must happen Sunday night for me, please!!!

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