Thread: Sarge Report
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Agape Agape is offline
Default Tuesday Sarge - 17-03-2010, 08:25 AM

Went out with Krisdude last night around Leicester Square.Think that we both had a really good night despite not closing any numbers or getting kcloses.

Something I have noticed over the past few weeks is that the more I sarge the more my social calibration comes into play. I opened probably around 7-8 sets tonight and didn't use a canned opener on any of them however in most of the sets managed to reach hook point without being blown out. One thing that I did try that worked really well was a role play where we pretended that we were all going to form a band and that we could "sit on stools with our back to the stage and spin around" with a couple of sets the girls loved this stuff and also after ejecting from the set it created great call back humour " OMG you guys again... hang on a minute I haven't spoken to Simon cowell yet!!

Funny Highlight:

We met a crazy girl wearing a green hat and a V for Vendetta mask in Porterhouse!! ( no kidding! ). Opened her with " I love your hat" she proceeded to tell us a story about a finger puppet she had made called "Gunter" who needed a girlfriend. I made a girlfriend for the finger puppet out of a chip ( called it "Chippolina" ) she was getting really sexual and wanted to make sure that the chip had orifices in the right places!! Really bizarre interaction and me and Kris both thought she might have been on something as she was way too into that finger puppet!! V. funny although she wasnt hot enough for either of us to want to take it anywhere.

Overall had a good night and only had 3 beers!
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