Thread: Vaccination
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dan300 dan300 is offline
Default 19-11-2021, 07:49 PM

So, the other day, Austria declared that the unvaccinated would be placed on lockdown. Just the unvaccinated.

Today, they've used some form of extreme authoritarian shock-tactics, and have not only put EVERYONE on lockdown but are ordering mandatory vaccines for everyone.

This week, mandatory vaccine passports were announced for Northern Ireland, excluding us from a lot of places. Then the mandatory vaccines will follow.

But I'm just a conspiracy theorist, right Stein?

The only response to this now is violence. I hope and pray that the Austrians respond accordingly.

This shit terrifies and infuriates me, and I will fully support extreme retaliation.

You can't win if you don't play

Last edited by dan300; 19-11-2021 at 07:56 PM.
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