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Default 26-12-2009, 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by CovertOperation View Post
The first 2 pics actually make her look gorgeous. Like stunning eyes, tanned skin, slim neck (!), nice hair. I reckon she gets a lot of dates.

But she isn't just big, she is massive! This girl has a really beautiful face, and if she lost a couple of stone she would genuinely turn into someone very hot. It doesn't take much to lose weight, she wouldn't have to go on a crash diet or anything. Just working out and eating healthily and cutting out snacks. If she did that, within 6 months she could leave internet dating behind, guys would be queueing up for her.

No wonder she does PoF dating judging by those pics. No guy in real life would ever approach her.

From her responses, though, I sorta sense she has built up a defence mechanism against her weight. She clearly doesn't consider it a problem, when it clearly is a problem.

The first part of solving a problem is accepting there is a problem to be solved. Until she corrects this fundamental, I don't expect she'll get very far.
.... not gonna lie, i actually cannot agree more with everythign in this post!

it's like, if i was her mate, i'd really encourage her to go out to the gym and stuff, coz she has potential to be amazing!

10/10 Covert!
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