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Default Beware Fat Chicks - 26-12-2009, 03:38 PM

OK first off, the title is just a joke, i appreciate everyone has their own tastes, and if you like a bigger girl, thats cool with me, each their own!

However, this rant is more based on the fact that i was effectively lied-to by a girl about how she looked, and when you see the evidence, im confident you will agree....

for the initial backstory, please refer to my last post, 'Need Assistance'

basically i was on PoF and came across a girl, number closed and got chatting and arranged a date. Here are soem photos i was equipped with to make that decision!



So from these, i would say 'vey hot' if you pay particular notice ot the face-shape, very well defined, and no signals of morbid obesity....

what follows are actual images from her facebook, which i obtained after having already agreed to go on the date.....




Shocked??? Not as much as i was, beleive me! And i thought i was good at deciphering dating-site pictures....

anyways, what can we learn from this!? may thigns, but let me start by saying 'always get a full body-shot photo of a girl before you agree ot meet her' - this would have saved me a lot of trouble...

on her profile, she referenced herself as 'a few extra pounds' which is unfair, there was a 'bbw/large' option available, which she opted not to take, this i beleive is deceptive as 'a few extra pounds' is what I WOULD put for MYSELF, and im 6'3" and 13stone. Slim, but with a little bit of softness orund the edges....

would u describe her as 'a few etxra pounds' ?

anyways so how did i get rid of her...

after seeking advice on this forum, hre is a text-by-text account of how it went down...

[these are raw unedited, and any feedback on her actions OR MINE would be appreciated]

Pic: 'Hi, i checked our ur facebk but i think ur profile on plentyoffish is a bit misleading, i feel a bit tricked so i change my mind about going out, im sorry for being direct but i think its bets for both of us, hope u find who ur looking for x'

FB: 'in what way was it misleading?' I am fine with that but just wondered?'

Pic: 'Ur a very pretty girl, but ur a lot bigger than how u appear on PoF, theres nothign wrong with that but its just not my thing, im sorry for being harsh, but maybe u'll be more successful after knowing this? :/ x'

FB: 'Fair enough your entitled to your opinion. With regards to success though i have never met anyone from online who didnt want to see me again, so maybe your opinion isnt the general concesnsus.bye'

--- could of ended it here, but i keep stirring, i want to test how someone reacts to receivign harhs information, i also begin to reason with her, elave her with some HV ---

Pic: 'Perhaps not, either way, sorry if i got ur hopes up'

FB: 'Hopes up!! Do you not think youre alittle bit patronising? Like i said you are entitled to your own opinion but you should let your head reduce in size slightly as youre not that great. like i said, goodbye'

Pic: 'i know hun, ive been rejected before for being bald you know but if they arent into that, then who am i ot change it? But i dont let it get me down, il eventually find someone who likes me for that, as you will yours x'

--- at this point, im really drawing this out, which im glad i did as i think she reveals more of her true character as it goes on ---

FB: 'But this is my point, i am not down, i am more tha happy with me and my life, and when u takl about me 'eventually' finding someone it is a slight jokea s you dont know me or my love life. i ended my last 3 relationships, and i can assure u I have no problem finding people to 'accept me'

--- i was thinking 'why are you on a datng site then love?' lol ---

Pic: 'ok if im presumptuous, sorry, im just giving u some advice form a mans perspective, i owe you that much'

FB: 'You owe me nothin, so get off your soap box and stop preachign to me, it is ridiculous for you to think your opinions matter to me, i chatted to you for half an hour, it had no impact on my life, so this is quite pointless'

Pic: 'then im just glad ive not hurt your feelings'

--- retaining value ---

FB: 'Arrogance is not attractive'

Pic: 'that should be easier for you then, i was trying to be nice about this, but clearly im wasting my time lol'

the next 2 messages either way didnt really caryr any value, just ended the conversation...

that was the raw unedited meat of the conversation!

if you guys think i handled it well, let me know?

or.. if you think i was being unreasonable at any stage, again let me know, its all valuable feedback, and im by no means perfect so i can still learn more form this!

Please remeebr with the textign, i did also try and provoke her into a reaction, mainly for the beenfit of the knowledge, i had already lost her (thankfully) but wanted to extract as much feedback from her as possible, so it can be used to judge reactions for future conquests etc....

Thanks in Advance!

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