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Default 08-12-2009, 04:13 PM

I think Einstein was agnostic and to be fair this was a progressive view for his time especially when you consider those godless commies in the USSR and the religious conservatism in the USA.

Dolphin, its clear you're outnumbered in this argument and its fair to say that none of us atheists are going to convert anytime soon so kudos for standing up for your beliefs.

Going back to what you infered by mentioning Einstein; I speculate that the uncomprehensibility of space and the begining of the universe etc. has driven very intelligent people to religion because science is currently unable to answer many of their questions. I actually believe there are things that humans cannot really understand such as dimensions beyond 4D, the begining of the universe, infinity and absolute nothing. We live in a world where our understanding derives from what we see, what we hear, what we feel and what we can calculate. Its extremely difficult, and probably impossible, for a brain that has evolved for survival in a physical world to be able to contemplate the exact origins of everything. I however do not believe religion really answers this question either because although its easy to say 'god created everything' it still has the same fundamental of problem of not being able to answer where god came from and where the matter that makes up the universe has come from.

We are arguing in a debate that has no resolution really though I find it very difficult to understand why the existance of any deities can be seen as even remotely likely. More importantly than the existance of god though is organised religion because this is what effects us. I can empathise with people believing in a higher power but I strongly disagree with religious organisations that insist they alone are correct. I appreciate that there are some 'good' moral values coming from various religions but there are also a lot of 'bad' ones. I believe that religion(and the abuse of religion) has been, and still is, responsible for slowing down human progress and causing a lot of suffering and antagonism.

At the end of the day I think wondering whether or not god exists and whether you should follow a strict set of beliefs is missing the point in being alive. Life is about being happy, appreciating beauty and discovering knowledge while trying to make changes, however small, to the world to make life better for all your fellow people both now and in the future. How romantic

Ladies Favourite, General Flake.