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Default Response to Kowalski - 23-11-2017, 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
Hey man,

Gotta step in here. This is gonna be both honestly and scruffily written...

You repeatedly mention spirituality but haven't defined what you mean and it means wildly different things to different people in different contexts. What do you mean?

No one says this to a stranger "You're rather x, that's something I really like about you" it's odd. Just really weird people who never get laid and make fake videos like Tom Terrero say that sort of stuff to strangers.

You mention your culture as being an issue but haven't told us what culture.

The way you write stuff is quite difficult for me to read. You seem quite attached to form and structure. That also seems to say something about who you are. Tell us about this

Like you note when you talk about not being sexual or assumed gay the thing is something about you. It's not about delivering this or that type of question or statement. It's not about contrived odd lines only aspies or fags would say like "you and I would never get along" which might as well end with you saying "sistah!” jutting your hip out and pouting. It's not about structure. If that stuff is having any effect at all, is a negative one.

It's not about any thing other than you and there's almost nothing about you here.


Hey Kowalski,

Spirituality does indeed mean different things to different people. I mostly do mindfulness of breathing (Buddhism), chanting meditations (Hare Krishna), writing meditations (Conversations with God). I love reading Eckhart Tolle - Power of Now, A New Earth etc. I also belong to a spiritual group Underearners Anonymous - Official Website which is all about living life to your fullest potential including financially and with all your goals. Dating is one of the areas I am currently addressing hence I am here.

I have never said "You're rather x, that's something I really like about you" to a stranger. I don't know where you got that from. I usually approach with "You look really nice today, I just thought I'll come and say that to you" or "I like the colour of your coat (or some other complement) so thought I'll say Hi" or something like that.

Is Tom Torrero fake? I don't know I like his stuff, but I primarily use Charisma Arts. Open to reading all stuff out there.

My culture is Indian. I grew up in Mumbai and then in Delhi. People out there just get married by being introduced to someone through their parents. I don't want that - I am more sexually adventurous and I want to date someone locally from Brighton, UK.

I didn't realise the way I write is difficult to read. I am usually short of time. I use a template to log my interactions which is
What was unique about the person:

This helps get focused discovering what's unique about each person. Additionally, I also add categories for 'Approach: - As in how did I approach" or anything else I can improve.

I don't use canned lines or contrived stuff. Authenticity and honesty is very important to me. So I am spontaneous all the time. That doesn't mean I don't have structure. I like structure in all things that I do, but I also leave plenty of room creativity. I don't use canned lines at all, it's all 100% authentic.

More about me - I love acting and swimming. I am starting a new job on 4th December as a Product Manager in Software. I am simultaneously working to set-up my own business and find the love of my life. I want to set up a family and have kids, but first I also want to experiment sexually. I have a lot of friends in Brighton. I love hanging out in the Jury's Inn which is a hotel by the sea front with glass walls so you can see the sea.

Let me know if you have more questions?
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