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flash_mario flash_mario is offline
Junior Member
Default 14-11-2009, 12:28 AM


The girl mentioned in the post above lives in my neighborhood - takes me 7min to get to hers house walking.

She is studying politics, and I'm on technical college. She's two years younger than me & shorter about one-two inches.

We listen to a same kind of music - basically rock.

She is very communicative, and can talk a lot that's not a problem, I've learned how to listen girls talk.

She was in a 2 year relationship until the May of 2009 - so that's about six months ago, she doesn't spike about her ex - in any context (I think that's OK?!).

As I managed to find out she's meeting with some dude (I don't know him), but that's nothing serious - just coffees once a week (I find that a potential problem?!).

I'm trying not to talk to her on the IM or Facebook, a don't like that kind of communication with a girl I want to bang (sorry)! If I'm wrong correct me, please.

That's about it, sorry for long post, but I don't want some dumb dude take her.

OK, I'm awaiting any advice so please don't hesitate to help, I'll be one of You guys sooner or later but neighbor cant wait! =)

Best regards!

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