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db x db x is offline
KickUps Champion, Curveball Champion, Mouse Race Champion
Default 04-11-2009, 10:55 PM

Okay right I have to admit the 'I don't give a fuck' was probably the wrong way to put it. the course is a BSc in Computer games programming. Basically I know the way i put it across was a bit like I'm doing it to chase some crazy dream lifestyle... But its not. I've played with the idea for a while never thought i would have the balls to just try it. And now I'm going to. I'm 18 years old and the life plan I have set myself out is shit. I have moved out and got myself my own life and learned so much about life in the last 6 weeks... I've discovered there is so much more to life... and i wanna go away travel and experience things first hand before I pick a career... Its not like I'm screwing up a life... I'm finding a life... I will find a career afterward... One that suits me. I have A-Levels that will get me back into uni if thats the path i choose. If not then fine.

This choice is a whole lifestyle based choice... Its nothing to do with girls... the only relation it has to do with this community is the fact that I've made it with improved value reasoning... I'm not after money anymore. I've realised that i shouldn't do something I dislike to get money... so uni is pointless coz i hate going... and I'm bright enough to do something i want to do and become one of the best in whatever it is i get interested in...

I'm not looking for validation on this I'm just stating something the community has helped me realise.

Thanks for the concern

.db x.
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